T's Stuff too

T's Stuff too

I love to read and actually read books from several genre's. My favorite is paranormal though. I also have been blessed with 11 Grand Children from our 4 kids, so I do read a lot of Children's books as well to the kids. i have a regular blog where I post tons of book tours. Check it out if you enjoy books: http://teresanoel.blogspot.com/.


This blog is for reviews of the books I have read. I do also accept books from authors to read and review. Contact me if you have a book you would like reviewed at my email: mshogrider67@gmail.com

5 Stars
The Basement by Dianne Hartsock
The Basement - Dianne Hartsock

The Basement by Dianne Hartsock is actually the 3rd book written about the main character Alex even though this is not a named series. The book is a stand alone and you can understand all of the characters represented from the previous books as well as situations mentioned in this book from those as well. This is the first book I have read about Alex and by Dianne Hartsock. I would like to go back and read the other 2 books just so I get the full story on Alex as well as some of the other characters in this book. If you have a problem with reading books including LGBT you may not want to read this book, I personally do not and think that it has added to the story in some ways. 

I do love a good haunted house book and this one is a really great one. Once I picked up the book it was very hard to put it down. Alex was a severely abused child, now he is a confused man. He also has psychic abilities he is learning to control with the help of his therapist Scott Reid and some of his friends. 

When his friend Justin buys Fulton Manor, a grand mansion in a neighboring town he has weird feelings the first time he go to the house after getting the keys. His ominous feelings send him to ask Alex to use his abilities to sweep the house. The house felt fine when Justin had been to their before he purchased it but now the truth of the house comes out. Alex does go with Justin and his happy home turns into a house of horrors. 

There is a mystery involved in this book as well as the ghosts haunting Fulton Manor. Logan Fulton shows up. There is just something about him. He has some abilities which Alex picks up on the second he lays eyes on him. Now Alex must figure out what he is doing in town and if he is the reason the ghosts of Fulton Manor have awakened and also why his friends are being pulled into Fulton Manor, and also how to release them before it's to late. 

5 Stars
The Basement by Dianne Hartsock

The Basement by Dianne Hartsock is actually the 3rd book written about the main character Alex even though this is not a named series. The book is a stand alone and you can understand all of the characters represented from the previous books as well as situations mentioned in this book from those as well. This is the first book I have read about Alex and by Dianne Hartsock. I would like to go back and read the other 2 books just so I get the full story on Alex as well as some of the other characters in this book. If you have a problem with reading books including LGBT you may not want to read this book, I personally do not and think that it has added to the story in some ways. I do love a good haunted house book and this one is a really great one. Once I picked up the book it was very hard to put it down. Alex was a severely abused child, now he is a confused man. He also has psychic abilities he is learning to control with the help of his therapist Scott Reid and some of his friends. When his friend Justin buys Fulton Manor, a grand mansion in a neighboring town he has weird feelings the first time he go to the house after getting the keys. His ominous feelings send him to ask Alex to use his abilities to sweep the house. The house felt fine when Justin had been to their before he purchased it but now the truth of the house comes out. Alex does go with Justin and his happy home turns into a house of horrors. There is a mystery involved in this book as well as the ghosts haunting Fulton Manor. Logan Fulton shows up. There is just something about him. He has some abilities which Alex picks up on the second he lays eyes on him. Now Alex must figure out what he is doing in town and if he is the reason the ghosts of Fulton Manor have awakened and also why his friends are being pulled into Fulton Manor, and also how to release them before it's to late.

5 Stars
Kitchen Witchcraft: Spells & Charms by Rachel Patterson
Kitchen Witchcraft - Rachel Patterson

This is one of those books you keep around and pull up when you are lookigng to help make a difference. It is not a book you read from cover to cover then forget about. It is more of a reference book.


If you like magic and witch craft this is a very good book. It is good for beginners as well. Mot of the items used in the spells are in most peoples homes already or are very easy to obtain with a trip to Wal-Mart or the grocery store. The wording used in the book is easy to understand, and the spells are easy to cast.


I enjoyed the variety of instances that the spells can be used for. This is not a book of spells just for love , money, or good health.


I received this book from the Author or Publisher via Netgalley.com and chose to leave this review.

3 Stars
Flamed with Courage:Notorious Devils (Cash Bar #3) by Hayley Faiman
Flamed with Courage:Notorious Devils (Cash Bar #3) - Hayley Faiman

All though this was not my favorite MC Romance book ever it was not the worst either. The story in the book was pretty good. I did have a problem with the way Free, the main man, treats Whitley the leading lady. This girl has basically been held hostage and has seen more in 3 years than most people will ever see in a full lifetime. Free "rescues" Whitley from the racist Aryan group. This group sees woman as breeders only. Free pretty much treats Whitley as his personal sex toy. He leaves her pretty much locked in his room with no food or water at first. Things like that started to turn me off about this book. There is also a pretty good story but you have to get past all the sex to read it. Yes I knew going into this book that there was lots of sex, language and violence. None of which really bother me but there are full chapters of sex and a few pages of the story line. I have to admit towards the middle of the book I was skipping over the sex scenes, they were hot scenes but I wanted to get back to the story line. I did really like all of the characters in the book, even when I was mad at Free.

There are actually a couple story lines at least for me in the book. Eighteen years ago Free's woman Gemma was beaten and raped. She became addicted to sleeping pills and ended up killing herself. Free's guilt has eaten away at him for almost 2 decades. The Notorious Devil's MC which Free is the VP of, are going around and destroying the camps of the Aryan group. When he see's Whitley he takes her with him instead of sending her with the other woman and children from the camps to shelters. Free just has a feeling that Whitley will bring him back to life and help him past his past.

Whitley's parents were killed 3 years before when she was 16 and she was taken to the Aryan camps and forced to watch the children and also help int he sick sex between the leaders and the kidnapped woman. She has seen so much murder, abuse, and yet has not been touched. She counts her blessings about being left alone, she also has learned to be a shadow, out of site out of mind. After being rescued by Free, Whitley begins to feel like she may just be able to have a life not filled with fear.

You get to watch both Free and Whitley heal and find love in the book.

5 Stars
ASH: Westside Skulls Motorcycle Club (Westside Skulls MC Romance Book 4) by Jessie Cooke
ASH: Westside Skulls Motorcycle Club - Jessie Cooke
Ash is the 4th book in the Westside Skulls series by Jessie Cook. This series just keeps getting better and better to me. I have read all 4 books in the series and cannot wait to continue reading this series. There is a lot of colorful language, some hot sex scenes, and some violence in each of the books but the true story in each book is love and family. Which is true to most of the bikers I know, and I know a lot of them. I like how each book is dedicated to a different member of the MC but you still get to follow the characters from previous books. You also get to know the future leading characters a little. 

In this book Ash is our leading man. Although his cover picture is not my kind of sexy, the man in the book is hot. Ash has been dealing with a broken heart for over 5 years. After being left at the alter he moves to California with his best friend to join the Westside Skulls. He has built a life as an Enforcer in the MC. When his father dies his past comes crashing down on him. 

Ash is Asher Bennett IV, his father owns Bennett Textiles and is a multi millionaire if not billionaire. Asher is a college graduate with a business degree and worked on Wall Street. Mackenzie better known as Mack, Ash and Steve better known as Sledge grew up together, they were best friends since middle school. Ash and Mack fell in love at 13. On their wedding day Mack is a no show. Ash pack his bags and follows Sledge (Steve) to California and doesn't look back. 

Charlie or Charlotte is Ash's little sister. She was 10 when Ash leaves for California. Now almost 16 she is filled with hurt over Ash leaving her. Ash was very close to his father and sister but could not deal with his step mother Allison. Allison is a gold digger and when Ash's father passes leaving his money and business to Charlie things get really deep. 

When Charlie runs away Mack travels to California to tell Ash in person that Charlie is missing the hurt and love Ash had and still carries for Mack bubbles up to the surface. The search begins for Charlie and so does the search of the heart. 

Sledge is the next book in the series. I can't wait to see his story.
5 Stars
Shadow (Satan's Fury MC: Memphis #2) by L. Wilder
Shadow  - L. Wilder

Shadow is book 2 in the Satan's Fury MC- Memphis Chapter Series by L. Wilder. I have read the 1st book Blaze as well and it really sucked me into this series. Shadow did not let me down, if anything it was better. I love how even though this is a stand alone, it was more or less a continuation of the first book, at least as the characters go. I enjoy books that keep the same characters and adds new ones. This book and series are very fast passed.and I found myself hurrying around other things I need to do to get back to reading. The books has colorful language, some sex scenes, some violence, it is dirty and gritty at times but all in all a awesome read. There is an 18+ warning as well, and I can see why, as far as the language, sex, and violence go. But the book actually has a sweet love story baked right in. 

In this book we get to know Shadow better. He is an Enforcer in the Satan's Fury MC Club. At age 10 he lost his parents and sister in a house fire and went into a Foster Home. If loosing his family wasn't enough the abuse he suffered there was, but his troubles do not end there. During his time in the Military he was held captive in Afghanistan as well. Completely broken when he returned to the States he found his salvation in MC. No the club does not work above the line of the law but he ha found a true family to help heal his broken heart and mind. 

Alex finds out about Daddy's dirty little secrets and leaves everything she has ever known. She starts out driving a BMW but afraid Daddy would find her trades it for a beater car. When she gets to Memphis Tennessee the beater car gives up on her. Hallie runs a quaint little book store where Alex stopped to get out of the rain. When the car dies Hallie saves Alex by inviting her in for the night. That night has lasted 6 years when Hallie dies and leaves the place to Alex. 

Now 7 years later Shadow frequents the little book shop on occasion to get away from everything for a little while. He grabs a book off the shelf makes a cup of coffee and goes to the comfy sofa at the back of the store to read and not think, and lately to get a glimpse of the pretty little shop owner. When he is done he drops a $20 on the counter and out the door he goes back to life and reality. One morning Alex tells him he doesn't nee to leave the money and he tells her her knows but wants to. This is the beginning of the Alex and Shadow story, and let me tell you it is a awesome story.
5 Stars
Zach By Lilly Atlas
Zach (Hell's Handlers MC Book 1) Lilly Atlas - Lilly Atlas
Zach By Lilly Atlas is the first book in her new Hell's Handlers MC series. This book is awesome, or at least :I thought. I listened to this book all in one day non stop. By the end of chapter one I was in love with all of the character. I really loved the narration. The Narrators are Noah Michael Levine and  Erin DeWard. I loved how when there was a conversation between the male and female characters were done by both narrators. The book is filled with bad words, hot bikers, a troubled past and some steamy sex scenes. This was also my first book by Lily Atlas but will not be my last. I am also waiting to see what book to has to offer.
Toni is a small town Tennessee girl living in Chicago. She ran from her parents and her past. When her parents are killed in an accident it is up to only child Toni to go home and tend to their affairs. She must decide what to do with their restaurant and home.
Zach is the sexy biker next door. He is the Enforcer for the Hell's Handlers' MC. Zach has never wanted to be tied down to a an Old lady so when he sees how Fine Toni has grown up to be he decided a 6 week affair is just the ticket.
Toni fights Zach at every move even though she makes her hot just by breathing. When her past comes back to haunt her Zach is who she turns to. If they can make this out alive can Zach convince her to not only stay in Tennessee but to be his Old Lady.
I received this audiobook as part of my participation in a blog tour with Audiobookworm Promotions. The tour is being sponsored by Lilly Atlas. The gifting of this audiobook did not affect my opinion of it.
5 Stars
Haunted (My Shattered Soul Saga, #2) by Kristine Schwartz
Haunted  - Kristine Schwartz

Haunted is the 2nd book in the My Shattered Soul Saga by Kristine Schwartz, it is also the 2nd book I have read in the series. I did enjoy this better then the first book even the first one was pretty good. I do think there is a bit to much description about things that mean nothing to the book. The book probably would of been a lot shorter without all of that. But the story was still very interesting and I will hopefully be reading more of this series as it goes. This series is one you need to read in order to fully grasp everything and everyone in the book. 

In book one the leading lady Blair was 18 and killed in a car accident. When she awakes she finds herself in the Ghosted Realm. Book one is basically Blair getting to know the rules of her death, meeting new friends, and finding out that her new friends are actually old friends before her rebirth as Blair. 

In book 2, Blair and the rest of hr friends are grieving and trying to move on with the death of Charlie, her best friend and coach in the Ghosted Realm. When Blair accidentally clears a bar and the Human Realm are able to see it, she is put on probation. Tory is the council member and also the Boss Lady of the coaches. She is told that she must follow Blair and be with her at all times during the probation. During the probation time both Tory and Blair are holding secrets from each other. In the end Blair must survive this book.

4 Stars
Mess Me Up (Bear Bottom Guardians MC #1) by Lani Lynn Vale
Mess Me Up  - Lani Lynn Vale
Mess me up is the first book in the Bear Bottom Guardians series by Lani Lynn Vale. This is a MC Romance. To me it was more of a contemporary romance since the MC was mentioned but did not have a staring roll. The story was very good and did keep my attention, and even made me cry.
The key players in the book are Roman an ex football player who now works as a prison guard and is in the Bear Bottom Guardians MC. Isabella is a hard working house keeper. Both have not had the best lives. Izzy was raised by an abusive father and married an abusive man. Roman was raised by parents who never showed they really cared, but had no qualms about begging for money after Some became famous. 
Rome hooked up one drunken night with Tara, not knowing she was dating his best friend. In the after math of that one night Rome looses his best friend and Tara becomes pregnant. Now 4 years later Tara dumps their dying son on him and takes off leaving him to deal with the death of their son. 
Izzy was hired by Tara to clean her house and became close friends with the dying boy. After Tara leaves, Rome will do anything to make his sons final days happy so when he asks Rome to call Izzy he doesn't think twice. Unbeknownst to Rome his pen pal who he tells everything to in his letters is none other then Izzy. She doesn't tell him until 6 months after his son dies though. Rome knows he likes Izzy in person and he knows there was a connection with his pen pal but is he ready for a relationship? Izzy has her own issues is she ready ready for a relationship?
4 Stars
The Hidden Village by Imogen Matthews
The Hidden Village - Imogen Matthews
The Hidden Village is a historical journey of the families who lived in an underground village during WWII. These families were Dutch, Jewish, and Persecuted by the Germans. They lived in a small village in the woods called Berkenhout. The German's caught wind of the village but with the help of the surrounding community they never could find proof of the village. The book follows Sofie as she tries to get used to living in Berkenhout. Her family sent her here to keep her safe during the war.
This book is written with historical facts as well as fiction. The Author Imogen Matthews' mother actually live in this village during the war and told her stories of her time there. Imogen Matthews has also visited the village. She has taken memories from her visit to the village and the stories her Mother told her to write this book. Liam Gerrard narrates this audiobook. He does a pretty good job. I do think this book is more for middle grade to young adult, but it is a interesting story for anyone who likes history or who have a interest in The Dutch during WWII.
I received this audiobook as part of my participation in a blog tour with Audiobookworm Promotions. The tour is being sponsored by Essential Audiobooks. The gifting of this audiobook did not affect my opinion of it.
5 Stars
Date Night Dinners - Meals to Make Together for a Romantic Evening: Cookbook for Two by Sloane Taylor
Date Night Dinners - Meals to Make Together for a Romantic Evening: Cookbook for Two  - Sloane Taylor

This is a wonderful cookbook. It is actually written for you and your partner to make a meal together. In my house my husband gets in my way, so I cook he eats. A few weeks ago I had surgery on my right arm and have no use of my it for at least 5 more weeks, and I am right handed. Have you ever tried to peel a potato or slice an onion one handed? Doesn't work so well. With the simple recipes in this book the King of Frozen Lasagna can keep me from starving to death. Most of the ingredients in the recipes are found in just about every pantry as well. So we are actually both in the kitchen cooking together. I tell him what to add and he does it. Maybe this is not the way this book was meant to play out but it is working perfectly for us.

I love how there are full meal ideas with each recipe right down to the wine choice. The book is also broken down into sections so finding a meat recipe, a veggie recipe, and a sauce is so easy. There are 80 recipes in this cookbook.  They are also easy enough to double and triple if you are feeding more then 2.

I have actually made a few of the recipes since receiving this book. My favorite one so far, not that they haven't all been wonderful is, Marinated Pork Tenderloin.  This was very easy to prepare and cook. The meat was so juicy and flavorful, my husband and I loved it. He even took leftovers for work the next day and after being reheated in the microwave it was still juicy. 

5 Stars
SLEDGE: Westside Skulls Motorcycle Club (Westside Skulls MC Romance Book 5) by Jessie Cooke
SLEDGE: Westside Skulls Motorcycle Club - Jessie Cooke
Sledge is the 5th book in Jessie Cooke's Westside Skulls MC  Series. I have read all 5 books so far, and they just  keep getting better. Each book in the series focuses on one of the members of the MC. You get to keep learning more about other members of the Club with each book but you also get a closer look at the main character of the book. This is an adult series there is lots of language and lots of  hot sex scenes. I may of even learned a few hot tricks from this series.
This book focuses on Sledge. He has been in the MC about 10 years. He is an enforcer in the MC. Sledge has not always been a respected person. as a child he was bullied and picked on all the time. He was raised by a single mom in a poor household. He was not dumb and got a scholarship to one of the high class and ritzy private school. This is where he met Ash and Mack (stars of book 4 in the series). 
Once out of school he headed to California and college. College didn't set well with Sledge, he felt he didn't fit in. One night he meets Coyote (ex president of the club). Sledge joins the club and has finally found a place he fits in. 
Now 10 years later his  past is coming back to haunt him. 
Daria Ford is all grown up now and a different person. She still can't forget Steve. Steve was her first love but on their first date Daria drank to much and when she threw herself at him her turned her down. So embarrassed she turned it around and told everyone he came on to her. Daria is best selling Author and one of her books is being made into a Lifetime movie. Headed to California her memories of Steve jump to the forefront of her mind, not that hes ever been far from her mind. She has heard he is in a MC,and wonders what it would be like to bump into him again.
Daria literally bumps into Steve. At a restaurant where she is on blind date Daria sees Steve/Sledge and just as she does she passes out she lands in his arms.
Sledge still holding a grudge, Daria still sorry for what she done to him. Can these to get it together and have what  they should of years ago or are things to broken.
4 Stars
The Crane Diaries: Homecoming by Apryl Baker
Homecoming - Apryl Baker

Homecoming by Apryl Baker is the first book in the The Crane Diares Series. I did not know when I chose to read this book that the story actually starts in a previous series called Ghost Files . So at times I was a little lost. The book does give a little insight into the past story but I do think this book would be better read if i had read other books from The Ghost Files.

Homecoming is a very intense book. Mattie Hathaway now goes by Emma Rose Crane. She grew up in the foster system. Now sh is living in New Orleans where she feels her gifts of seeing ghosts and being a reaper will not set her as far apart being as New Orleans is the most haunted town, and pretty much everyone believes in ghosts, spirits, and hauntings.

She is with her honorary sister Mary and best friend Eric and all is going well until Mary meets Wade leader of Ghost Chasers. Mary asks Emma to go with her on her first outing with Wade since she doesn't want to be alone while meeting the rest of the Ghost Chasers crew. Once at the house Emma realizes that the place is really haunted, and also another character from the previous series is also invited, Dr. Lawrence Olivet. She also meets more members from her blood family

Can Emma's powers save the family living in the home? Who does she trust in her real family? Like I said this book would be better if you had of read the Ghost Files series but it is a standalone and is really very good. I will be looking for the Ghost Files books to catch myself up, and am also looking for book 2 in this series

5 Stars
Jesse James: Infamous Outlaw of the Old West - in60Learning

My family is related to the James family. My great uncle by marriage was cousins with Jesse James. I have always enjoyed the stories of Jesse James and his gang. This book is not a story. It is the actual history of Jesse James before, during, and after his days as an outlaw. It also gives history or the whole James family.

In60 Learning has done a great job gathering all the information in this book. Larry G Jones narrates the book. I was not all that crazy about his reading. He seemed to pause a lot. It also seemed like maybe he was reading on a child's level.

I was given this free review copy audiobook at my request and have voluntarily left this review.

5 Stars
Thrax (Angelbound Origins #4) by Christina Bauer
Thrax (Angelbound Origins #4) - Christina Bauer

I am a huge fan of Christina Bauer. I love her books and audio books. Christina narrates her own audiobooks and I just love listening to her voice. She does an excellent job with all of the characters in the book.

Thrax is book 4 in her Angelbound Origins series. I have really enjoyed this series. I have listened to all 4 books in the series and cannot wait for book 5. I have really enjoyed following Myla from punk teenager to becoming the great Scalla, being Queen, and now a Wife and Mommy. I cannot wait to see where else Christina will take Myla. This is a great series. You do need to start with book 1 to get a true feel for the series.

In Thrax Myla and Lincoln are still on their honeymoon. Myla's igni have been screaming in her head so loud she cannot understand what message they are trying to get to her. Finally she hears "Man in the Mirror". Myla is not sure what this means.

Lincoln has been kidnapped and a clone has been left in his place. Everyone in the kingdom except Myla thinks it is the real Lincoln. It is up to Myla to travel to Earth and save Lincoln. When she arrives she realizes she will also be saving the under realm and earth as well.

I was given this free review copy audiobook at my request and have voluntarily left this review.

5 Stars
DarkMan: The Haunting of Oldfield Drive The Spirit Guide, Book 3 By: Caroline Clark
DarkMan: The Haunting of Oldfield Drive The Spirit Guide, Book 3  -  Caroline Clark

I really enjoyed this book. It is rather short but gets right into the creepiness right off the bat and stays there all the way through. 

In the book Margie is alone with her husbands recent passing, or is she alone. Each night a vicious spirit attacks Margie. 

Jesse and Gail have started their own Paranormal Investigation business. They get an email from Margie asking for help with her situstion.

Gail doesn't really believe Margie is being haunted. Jesse talks her into going with him and talking to Margie to see if it a real haunting or if she is a quack. And they need their first paying client in order to kick off their business.

Once in Margie's home Gail has no choice but to believe Margie as she gets to see first hand what Margie has been going through. 

Now Jesse and Gail have to figure out how to save Margie and to find out who the spirit is and why he is tormenting and torturing Margie.

I was given this free audio book at my request and have voluntarily left this review.