Homecoming - Apryl Baker

Homecoming by Apryl Baker is the first book in the The Crane Diares Series. I did not know when I chose to read this book that the story actually starts in a previous series called Ghost Files . So at times I was a little lost. The book does give a little insight into the past story but I do think this book would be better read if i had read other books from The Ghost Files.

Homecoming is a very intense book. Mattie Hathaway now goes by Emma Rose Crane. She grew up in the foster system. Now sh is living in New Orleans where she feels her gifts of seeing ghosts and being a reaper will not set her as far apart being as New Orleans is the most haunted town, and pretty much everyone believes in ghosts, spirits, and hauntings.

She is with her honorary sister Mary and best friend Eric and all is going well until Mary meets Wade leader of Ghost Chasers. Mary asks Emma to go with her on her first outing with Wade since she doesn't want to be alone while meeting the rest of the Ghost Chasers crew. Once at the house Emma realizes that the place is really haunted, and also another character from the previous series is also invited, Dr. Lawrence Olivet. She also meets more members from her blood family

Can Emma's powers save the family living in the home? Who does she trust in her real family? Like I said this book would be better if you had of read the Ghost Files series but it is a standalone and is really very good. I will be looking for the Ghost Files books to catch myself up, and am also looking for book 2 in this series