1969 and Then Some: A Memoir of Romance, Motorcycles, and Lingering Flashbacks of a Golden Age - Robert Wintner
This is a very busy book. If you are old enough it makes you remember, it makes you laugh, it makes you think. My biggest complaint is everyone on the planet in 1969 is mentioned in this book except me. That may be because I wasn't 2 until the last few days of the year, not many mentionable moments I guess.
The story Robert Wintner tells is basically his story. He tells it so well, you almost feel like you are with him. He is very candid and doesn't hold anything back. I love some of the words he uses. Like his coat and scarf are his rig.
Younger people may or may not really get anything from this book since it has nothing to do with computer games and cell phones. It has nothing to do with having everything handed to you. There is no basic story line with and ending. This is a memoir of a time in Robert Wintner's life. He tells you about the carefree days of his life. I will admit some parts of this book are just plain messed up. But from movies and other books I have read the hippie days was a period of time when no one had any worries. They did as they pleased and there were no real consequences. There is a lot of foul language in the book, so if you have tender sensibilities you may not want to read the book. The F word is used a lot.

I was given the audible version of this book in exchange for my honest review.